Profile Area Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficient Performance
There are a large number of possibilities to improve the performance regarding energy efficiency performance in marine transport systems
Energy Efficient onboard operation
- Training and education
- Incentives and motivation
- Development and utilization of the SEEMP, Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
The most time and cost efficient way to quickly improve the system performance is to target the operation. Ships are operated by personnel with different background, education, skills and motivation. Some operations are very efficient whereas other operations with less favorable conditions are very poorly operated considering energy efficiency. A significant part of the energy saving potential can be realized by basic training combined with common sense and high motivation. In order to maintain a high efficiency level, regular and frequent follow up training and feedback will be required. For introduction of complex systems such as speed-power optimization, power management and weather routing more high level training will be needed as well as user friendly tools for decision support and operation
Optimization of the Marine Transport System
-Ship size and schedule optimization
-Sea traffic simulation and optimization
-Bio fouling management
The largest improvement potential lays in the optimization of the marine transport system. This includes the use of the right sized ships, operating at the right speed on the best possible routes with maximum capacity utilization with the best available cargo handling technology